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News & Events

News and Information is contained in our monthly newsletter available in the church foyer.  

Connect - Tea and Coffe with cake. Mondays & Fridays

Come and join us for tea, coffee & cake with time to talk and have a chat with others within the local community.

Messy Church

Messy Church

Sunday 16th March

3.30pm - 5.30pm

(meal included)

Mens Breakfast

Sat 12th April 8am

All men are welcome

Foodbank logo

Another of the charities that PUC supports is Plymouth Foodbank. The foodbank is always grateful for any food donations and manager Andrew Denham shared that with the cost of living crisis hitting people so hard, there is great need for the food bank in Plymouth. I am sure that you have noticed the increase in prices in our super- markets and this is having a huge impact, both on the need in the city and on a reduction in donations. We have collection boxes in the church foyer and on the shelves out-side the kitchen if anyone wishes to donate.

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